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Title Sequence Style Frames

Being continuously exposed to illegal substances at such a young age with his mother suffering from substance abuse, Chiron's innocence was quick to disappear as he himself became involved in a drug ring. 

This sequence seeks to capture the theme of Loss of Innocence. The candies are shattered and transformed into trails of cocaine, which ultimately resemble the form of jail bars. The mood throughout is desaturated and dark, alluding to Chiron's transformation throughout his coming of age.



Lightroom Photoshop

Process The process for this poster included determining the concept and framing device, research, storyboarding, photo shooting, color correcting in Lightroom and adding the credits in Photoshop. 

The initial storyboard incorporates the z axis to depict an imprisoned man. I ultimately decided to replace him with the title to make the title reveal more slow and impactful.

While I was collecting references, I studied forms of shattered candies, powder in trails, and also how powder looks in motion.
