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Branding Visual Identity

Purina, owned by Nestlé Purina PetCare Company, specializes in high-quality pet food and related products. This brand is committed not only to pet nutrition and its products, but also to the climatic impact of the production and creating an environment where pets and owners can coexist in happiness. This new brand identity system envisions Purina as a compassionate, charitable brand that is dedicated to sustainable and ecocentric practices.


Photoshop Illustrator

Logo The idea of compassion and love is encompassed by the heart-shaped silhouette of the snout and the nose. The shape language of a heart is consistent throughout the logo, which highlights Purina's dedication to creating a supportive community for all. The design of the logo directly reflects the iconic tagline of Purina: Your Pet, Our Passion.


Color Palette Each component of the color palette was selected to highlight Purina's compassionate and joyful attributes. While the bright red refers to the iconic red checkerboard logo of Purina, the two different variant of greens were added to the color palette to further highlight Purina's environment conscious approaches.

Content Poster


Digital Content
The digital system is separated into two systems that highlight the reliable, loving aspect of Purina as well as their compassionate and charitable actions. For the latter, I incorporated Purina's involvement in the Purple Leash Project to further highlight on their charity.


Presentation & Process
